Thursday, February 03, 2005
Going to Tulsa this weekend. Hung out with Chris today and worked on angry songs.
View ArticleSunday, March 06, 2005
Kellie, Tom and I went to the North Texas Irish Festival yesterday. Lots of faux Irish stuff there. Saw Seamus Stout and ran into Uncle Joe so that was good. After we came back Kellie cooked fish and...
View ArticleThursday, March 17, 2005
New post. talking to Steve. Drunk. Licor and beer and the love of my life Kellie. Good friends count.
View ArticleFriday, March 25, 2005
Time passes differently as you get older. Most of the time it flys by and other times it seems to crawl by. Like when you are trying to get back to the one you love. Cars going way faster than my moped...
View ArticleSunday, April 24, 2005
Applied to Whole Foods today. Hope I get hired cause then I will get to work with Travis. It's raining right now. My favorite weather... except when I have to ride my moped.
View ArticleWednesday, June 15, 2005
Scabbed up and meeting junkies Well. The moped scars are starting to heal and I went and hung out with heroin fiends today. Good times. I guess
View ArticleSunday, July 17, 2005
Today has been a good day. Kellie and I walked to Whole Foods and ate most of their samples. I am soo in love. I might burst. That would be messy.
View ArticleSaturday, December 31, 2005
Dedicated to my love(drought you will ever read this)! He scrapes the dirt from his nails with a stick. He makes a big pile in a pail on the sink. Who was he? Oh, I'll never tell. He has not got a...
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